Amal A ALmousa
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Antifungal activity of honey and yogurt mix against vaginal Candida Albican compare with clotrimazole
Biography: Amal A ALmousa
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common gynecologic problems affecting the women. It was reported that about 75.0% of all females develop this type of infection at least once during their life; 90.0% of which are caused by Candida albicans. In recent years, due to resistance to common antifungal medication, the use of traditional medicine of anti-fungal and herbal treatments increased. Therefore the objective of this study was to determine the effects of vaginal cream, where a mixture of honey 50% diluted (semi-liquefaction) then honey, yogurt (invevo Nestle´ TM. Inventor almarai) and distilled water. The efficacy of the mixture was tested in vitro on isolated Candida albicans. The result of present study indicated that the therapeutic effects of vaginal cream, yogurt and honey is more effective in relieving some symptoms of vaginal candidacies, in addition to inhibition of the growth C. albicans in vitro. The combination of honey with yogurt causes synergistic effects of honey against candidacies are based on the synergistic effect of honey and starch against C. albicans. Based on these positive results we recommend further studies in this field.