Renowned Speakers

Herbert B. Allen
Drexel University College of Medicine , USA

Mario A Bianchet
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine , USA

Oleg N Reva
University of Pretoria , South Africa

John Cadwell
President and CEO FiberCell Systems Inc , USA

Pietro Mastroeni
University of Cambridge , UK

Samir Kumar-Singh
University of Antwerp , Belgium

Douglas Burgoyne
President of Veridicus Health , USA

Richard W Titball
University of Exeter , UK

Suresh Joshi
Drexel University College of Medicine , USA

Georgios A Delis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece

Tadashi Shimamoto
Hiroshima University , Japan

Khine Swe Swe Han
University of KwaZulu-Natal , South Africa

Anna Malm
Medical University of Lublin , Poland

Byungse Suh
Temple University School of Medicine , USA

Johnelle R. Whipple
Reckitt Benckiser , USA

Martin Duerden
Bangor University , UK

Glenn S Tillotson
TranScrip Partners LLC , USA

Marco Manfredi Pietro
Barilla Children Hospital Parma , Italy

Christof Berberich
Heraeus-Medical GmbH , Germany