Mario A Bianchet
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Mario A Bianchet has completed his PhD from The University of La Plata, Argentine, and performed Postdoctoral studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he is now a Assistant Professor of Neurology since 2011. He has published 65 papers in reputed journals. As structural enzymologist and expert in ligand recognition, he has participated in several seminal structural and mechanistic studies of macromolecules and ligand/macromolecule interactions of biomedical interest. He has important contributions to different fields, including bioenergetics: F1-ATPase, xenobiotic-response: NADPH:Quinone oxidoreductases, DNA-repair: Uracyl-Glycosylase/inhibitors, carbohydrate-recognition: animal lectins, and late stage cell-wall biosynthesis: LD-transpeptidases and their complexes with substrates and carbapenems.
Abstract : Structural insight into mechanisms of inactivation of L,D transpeptidases by carbapenems